Hello in French

It is common knowledge to most students that when it comes to saying hello in French, the word “bonjour” is used. Most people say it when they greet someone. Although, there are several ways that you can greet someone in French.

Hello in French: Salut

You can use it in diverse social situations and in various types of interactions – no matter which contexts you are in or how formal the situation may seem.

How French People Greet

There is a great deal of do’s and don’ts in every language, and the French language is no exception. Follow our etiquette tips on how to greet your French-speaking friend so that you do not offend them by not adhering to these tips on how to greet someone in French.

Greeting someone by saying hello in other languages has different ways and styles. But, the proper way to greet someone in France depends on several factors. The way you greet each person depends partly on your relationship and partly on where you are, from colleagues to shopkeepers.

It’s considered polite to greet everyone, but the way you do so depends partly on where you are and partly on who you are. When greeting and parting with friends, different phrases are appropriate. For instance:

Les bises (kisses)

Constitute a typical French greeting when meeting friends. There is no standard definition of a bise, but the terms can mean one, two, three or even littler kisses on the cheek, depending on the region of France.

If you are not sure which side of your face to move towards if you feel uncertain. So, it is advisable to let the other person initiate and move to one of the sides. Kisses are more often start towards the right side of the face, on average.

A Handshake

A firm handshake signifies that you are serious about business when colleagues enter a meeting. Men also commonly greet with a handshake rather than a kiss.

A Hug

The tradition of using this greeting for loved ones or significant others close is unlike American greetings. During gatherings with close friends and family, save your hugs for them.

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