11 Ways to Decide Which Language You Should Learn

11 Ways to Decide Which Language You Should Learn

Embarking on the exciting journey of learning a new language can be both rewarding and inspiring. It not only equips you with invaluable skills for communicating across cultures but also offers countless potential benefits for personal growth and professional development.

With numerous languages to choose from, it’s essential to consider various factors that may impact your progress and success in mastering a new linguistic skill.

To guide you through this decision-making process, we’ve compiled an overview of key considerations, ranging from evaluating personal motivations to assessing global prevalence and career opportunities from learning different languages.

Discover the right path for you on this linguistic voyage as we delve into these crucial aspects.

1. Personal Interest and Motivation

Firstly, think about your passion and enthusiasm for the language you want to learn. Your drive can greatly determine how quickly and effectively you will learn. Therefore, it’s best to choose a language that personally intrigues or excites you.

2. Is the Language Widely Spoken? (e.g. Spanish)

Contemplate the popularity and global acceptance of the language you are considering learning. Languages like Mandarin Chinese and Spanish are widely spoken across continents.

So, you might like to expand your Spanish vocabulary online, for instance, by taking classes with professional teachers. Learning a globally prevalent language enhances communication when interacting with diverse groups of people.

3. Career Opportunities

You should consider the potential impact that learning a language will have on your job prospects. Some languages may be more valuable professionally than others.

For example, if you work in international business, mastering Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, German, or French might expand your career opportunities.

Mandarin Chinese

As China solidifies its dominance in the global market, Mandarin is quickly becoming a widely-used language for business. Learning Mandarin can open doors to opportunities in trade, finance, and manufacturing across Asia.

Additionally, many Western countries are seeking professionals with strong Mandarin skills due to their growing relationships with China.


With a massive population of native speakers spread throughout Latin America, Spain, and various communities in the United States, Spanish is another essential language for international businesses.

Bilingual English-Spanish fluency presents prospects in industries such as tourism, education, media, and healthcare. And an increasing number of US-based corporations seek professionals adept at speaking Spanish to target the rapidly-growing Hispanic market.


Boasting a vast consumer market in the Middle East and North Africa, Arabic is highly significant for sectors like energy production (particularly oil), finance, and technology. Fluency in Arabic allows you to access an expanding market rich with career possibilities.

So, if you’re interested in fostering business relations within the Arab world or working with organizations based there, learning Arabic can be advantageous professionally.


As Europe’s largest economy with an extensive global reach, Germany contributes substantially to the fields of science and engineering. Proficiency in German may facilitate participation in projects driven by German industries and international corporations such as the automobile, aviation, or pharmaceutical sectors.

Moreover, speaking German is highly appreciated in numerous European countries, increasing your marketability within the region.


While spoken primarily in France, Canada, and Belgium, French also boasts prominence in many African nations that play significant roles in global trade. With its massive presence across multiple regions worldwide, French proficiency serves as an asset to organizations operating on an international scale.

The language’s influence in diplomacy and international relations further amplifies the advantages of learning French.

4. Culture and Travel

Take the cultural experiences associated with the language into account. If you love traveling and exploring new cultures, choose a language that is spoken in countries that interest you.

That way, your trips become more enjoyable and immersive as you converse with locals effortlessly.

5. Language Difficulty

Evaluate the perceived difficulty of learning a particular language before choosing one to learn. Factors such as grammar rules, alphabet differences, and linguistic similarities to your native language should play a part in your decision.

For instance, if English is your first language, German might be easier for you to grasp compared to Japanese due to their similarities.

6. Learning Resources Availability

Investigate the availability of learning resources for each prospective language. A wider variety of materials like books, online courses, apps, or podcasts translates into better chances of succeeding in your studies.

7. Community and Social Settings

Examine the opportunities to practice your chosen language within your community and social circles. Speaking with native speakers or joining language exchange meetups accelerates progress through conversation practice.

The more you’re exposed to the language, the better you’ll become at it.

8. Future Planning

Reflect on your future plans and how learning another language will fit into those aspirations. That includes family relations, business ventures, or potential relocation abroad.

For example, knowing French may be useful if you are planning to study or work in France someday.

9. Personal Connections

Analyze any personal ties you have to a particular region, culture, or heritage that might influence which language to learn. Learning a new language could help deepen connections to your roots, as well as strengthen your relationships with friends or family members who speak the tongue natively. 

10. Time Commitment

It’s a good idea to carefully consider the time investment required for mastering a new language since some languages demand more time than others based on complexity levels and your prior linguistic knowledge.

Set realistic goals for proficiency, and be prepared to commit a substantial amount of time towards learning and practice.

11. Language Family Connections

When picking a language, consider its place within a linguistic family. Acquiring one from the same family as your native or previously learned languages can make learning significantly easier.

For example, mastering Italian after Spanish provides an advantage due to their shared Latin roots.

The Takeaway

Learning a new language is a rewarding and life-changing journey that will not only expand your career opportunities but also enrich your personal experiences.

Whether you are interested in exploring different cultures, boosting your professional prospects, or simply indulging in intellectual curiosity, mastery of any foreign tongue can transform the way you interact with the world.

So, embrace the challenge of language acquisition and embark on a fulfilling adventure that is limited only by the boundaries of your imagination and commitment. Happy learning!

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