Love in Italian

Love it’s the deepest, strongest feeling we could ever have. There is a touch of love in every person’s life journey. Italians are known for their romanticism, passion, lovability, openness, and expressiveness. Not only do Italians love, but they spread, share, and talk about love as well.

Love in Italian: Amore

To say love in other languages, Italian is considered to be the most romantic. Because people aren’t ashamed of showing their affection for each other, being complimented, boosting your self-esteem, and making you feel desired.


Romance is essential to expressing love in Italian. If you want to charm your Italian crush and improve your flirting skills, you need to learn how to say I love you in Italian. Love is expressed in Italian with the word amore.

I love You in Italian

In Italian, you simply say “ti amo” when you love someone. Ti amo is usually used in romantic contexts. Therefore, it can be used with your spouse (moglie), husband (marito), girlfriend (fidanzata), and boyfriend (fidanzazato).

“Ti amo” and “amare” should not be used in non-romantic contexts.

Sono innamorato (innamorata) di te

It means I’m in love with you. You can use this sentence to tell your soulmate that you love her (or him).

Mi piaci molto

I really like you. When everything begins, you need it. Before feelings develop, telling someone you like them might be a good idea.

Sei importante per me

It means You are important to me. This is a very straightforward message, say it to someone who has a lot of meaning for you. Make it count!

Sono tutto tuo / tua

I’m all yours. If you have a significant other, you can definitely tell them this. This requires a certain level of commitment, but Italian is beautiful!

Ho preso una sbandata per te

I have a crush on you. It’s good to know even though it’s typically not something you want to say.

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