Goodbye in French

There are times when attempting to speak French you stumble over the simplest things. It may seem easy to say goodbye, for instance. Although this is true, numerous phrases referring to it can make it easy to mistakenly use the wrong one.

Goodbye in French: au revoir

Au revoir

The majority of formal and informal situations are acceptable for this way of saying goodbye in French. Essentially, it means “until the next time we meet.”.

Bonne journée / Bonne soirée

Both phrases are ways of saying: “Enjoy your day/Enjoy your night,” respectively. Both formal and informal settings are acceptable. A common use is at the end of a conversation with a client, or as you leave a store or restaurant.

À tout à l’heure

Normally, you would use this phrase when you are planning to meet someone later in the evening. It is an appropriate phrase both for formal and informal situations.

À plus tard

It signifies “see you later,” but only in more informal settings. This can also be pronounced, as “a plus” (ah plue-ss), which is merely a simple abbreviation.

À bientôt

Whenever you know you’ll be seeing someone soon, you could use this to say, “I look forward to seeing you.” You could use it formally or casually. You could say À bientôt if you are meeting the person within a few hours.

À tout de suite

From the ways to say goodbye in different languages, one more way to say “see you very soon.” This time you’d say it after your conversation, rather than when you’re immediately following it up with them. In the course of discussing a meeting place with someone, if you plan to meet shortly thereafter, you can conclude with “à tout de suite.”

À la prochaine

When you are not sure when you are going to see someone again, you say, “until next time” or “until next time.”

À demain

You can use this phrase when you know that you’ll see the other person tomorrow. It’s to be used if you know that you’ll see the other person tomorrow.


‘Bye’ is a very informal way to say goodbye (or better, ‘bye!’) in French.


It is a statement of finality, which explains the sense of finality it conveys.

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