How Long Does It Take To Learn a Language?


The true answer to the question “how long does it take to learn a language” depends on a few factors that we will discuss. Several factors influence how long it takes to learn a language. These factors impact how long you should spend learning a language, from your previous experience to the languages themselves.

Your native language can also be a great help in learning new languages.  Considering that language difficulty is based on four categories, English speakers need to review the information. Group one is the language that is easier than group four.

There are four language groups.

Group 1:

We can say group 1 is the group of easiest languages to learn like French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and Swahili.

‍Group 2:

Bulgarian, Burmese, Greek, Hindi, Persian, Urdu.

‍Group 3:

Amharic, Cambodian, Czech, Finnish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Lao, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese

‍Group 4:

Group 4 includes the languages that are hardest languages to learn like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Levels of Proficiency

‍It all comes down to the time when it comes to learning anything. According to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), learning beginner fluency takes 48 days when studying 10 hours a day. However, learning complex languages takes 72 days. FSI scale measures proficiency on a scale of 1-5 as follows:

1. Elementary Proficiency

A person meets the minimum courtesy requirements and routine travel needs.

2. Limited proficiency in working

The person meets routine social demands and has limited occupational capabilities.

3. Minimum Professional Proficiency

Language proficiency is sufficient, with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary. Communicate effectively on practical, social, and professional topics in most formal and informal situations.

4. Full Professional Proficiency

Usually, the language spoken is fluent and accurate at all levels according to professional needs.

Native or bilingual proficiency

This person speaks as fluently as an educated native speaker.

How Long Does It Take to Learn a New Language?


‍Following are some key factors you should consider for how much time should it take to learn a language:

Explain What Learning a New Language Means

Everyone interprets learning a new language differently. Many people consider fluency to be the ability to converse in the native tongue. Some folks think they have learned a language when they can communicate on vacation. As long as you keep your goals realistic, whatever you choose is right. Choose a target that you can achieve.

A Similar Language Makes Learning Fast

A similar language to your L2 or L3 (or more!) is beneficial when learning a new language. Using our prior knowledge, we relate to familiar sounds and words. We are remarkable at relating to known sounds and words. Having fluency in several languages will make it easier to learn the next one. However, fluency is not always accurate.

The method is effective for learning but can create semi-bilingual muddles in our communication and writing. Therefore, do not use this as your only source of training. Instead, use it to supplement your knowledge. Don’t go with a mental recall before you double-check your answers.

Do You Have Enough Time To Devote?

Putting in more effort inevitably results in better results. The process of learning a new language requires commitment. For example, how long does it take to learn a language? The FSI bases its findings on subjects dedicating 10 hours a day to learning their new language.

Most of us probably aren’t capable of reaching that ideal number. First of all, time required to learn a language is important. No matter how busy you are, 10 hours per day will be challenging for any student, working parent, or anyone who has a lot on their plate.

Determine the amount of work you can do each day if you find yourself in this situation. Decide how much time you can spend studying each day, and commit to it. You may be able to study up to five hours a day.

Even if you can only learn for two hours, make those two hours count. Some people, however, believe that time is less vital than effort in learning a new language.

For the best result, you should give it a particular period of your life, even if it’s only for 1-2 weeks, and go at it 100% rather than half-assedly doing it for months or even years.

Do You Have Accountability Partners?

Having someone to hold you accountable is crucial. You cannot learn a language if you do not hold yourself responsible for the learning process. Thus, learning a new language with a coach or partner is essential. You are not only able to practice with someone. Your accountability is also with someone. Leaving a coach or partner behind is never a good idea.

The worst feeling is when you feel you have let yourself down. If you are wondering how long does it take to learn a language, you will face problems. But, by sticking to your plan and working with a coach, you can avoid these problems.

You can’t learn languages by yourself, but you can work together on the basics. Communicating and writing letters with others is much more enjoyable. Take advantage of your community and build your language learning network today.

Learn a Language by Speaking It

It is a natural reaction to feel nervous when learning a new language. It is normal. If you want to become an expert in foreign languages, you must overcome this obstacle. But, how to learn a new language by yourself? It can be accomplished by diving in headfirst and having a conversation.

Follow up on that conversation by having a second one. And then another. Never stop talking until you don’t trip over them anymore. Then you can truly call yourself fluent.

A perfect speaker is more likely to emerge when you practice the language. It may not happen tomorrow, but you are more likely to become a good speaker when you practice speaking the language.

Focus on Using Commonly Used Words

Learning using books and even some older language learning programs can be beneficial, but they can leave you shortchanged when speaking with locals. How long it takes to learn a language? Learning a language starts by learning its most common words. There’s no denying that classrooms and books are great ways to learn languages.

However, it won’t help you learn to speak like a native. There are times when it makes more sense to go off the beaten path. Take a trip to the markets. Have lunch at a local cafe. In short, go wherever the speakers are.

Instead of reading your books, learn the words the locals use. According to some experts and professors, the correct number could be 100, 300, or even 3,000. Try 100 first, and see if that gets you started.

You will be able to speak idioms and understand local speech with those words in your head. With these words in your head, you can now start picking up on conversations. Now you can learn that new language!

Use an App or Pocket Dictionary

When you need to research the spelling or pronunciation, you never know what will come up. You can use a pocket dictionary or app to figure out how long does it take to learn English language. If you answered yes to either question, you might be able to learn more quickly. Initially, it might not be noticeable.

Eventually, you’ll learn how valuable this resource can be to you. You can use these tools for other reasons too. The apps are also excellent for learning. Try to talk with someone when you can’t. Look up words in your dictionary. Learning a few new words and phrases takes only a few seconds. Take one along with you everywhere you go.

Get Practical and Unorthodox Audio Courses

You can learn your most common words from audio courses, especially if you’re learning a language. There are several platforms where you can take audio lessons, but you could also take them through another route. Whether they’re through YouTube videos or books on tape, everything serves as a valuable audio lesson.

Many people who are not fluent in a foreign language claim audio courses helped them. Traditional methods can also work well for catching up on a language, and we recommend using them. The best way to learn a language is to listen to the natives. Using this method, you avoid formality in books and even more traditional audio courses.

Although unorthodox methods aren’t always perfect, they can provide an excellent foundation for your language learning. By ensuring you know the expected timeline, make sure you cross as many of these items off your list as possible before your next language learning adventure. Prepare yourself today so that you are ready to learn in the days to come.

Most Asking Questions

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about language learning.

→Can You Learn A Language In 3 Months?

Make sure your goals are reasonable and measurable. In today’s world, motivating people with abstract and subjective concepts like “fluency” is no different. If you want to meet your goals, define them as linguistic feats that you can accomplish within 90 days.

→Which Language Is The Easiest To Learn?

You might be shocked to learn that Norwegian is the easiest language to learn for English speakers. Like English, Norwegian belongs to the Germanic language family. It is also a pretty straightforward language to learn, with only one verb form per tense.

Word order is similar to that in English. The pronunciation is also a lot more flexible when you learn Norwegian. Norwegian accents are diverse, so it is possible to pronounce words in more than one way.

→Which Language Is The Hardest To Learn?

Mandarin has long been regarded as one of the most difficult languages in the world to master! Despite its immense popularity, the language poses a great challenge to people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

Mandarin is a complex tonal language with thousands of characters and a mysterious writing system, making it hard to understand. Due to Mandarin’s absence of phonetics, memorizing the words and writing them can be very challenging.

→Can You Learn A Language Just By Listening?

It’s best to listen actively when learning a new language, as it’s the fastest and most effective way to absorb information. Regardless of whether you understand what is being said, you’ll be able to relate to what you are hearing at a deeper level.

Listening can help you in a myriad of ways, from learning vocabulary through context to improving your ability to emulate accents.

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